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A COVID-19 Back-to-School Checklist for Parents

By August 12, 2020August 2nd, 2022Blog

As a new school year approaches, we know things can get hectic for busy parents. While the start of the year may look a little different this fall, once the homework starts rolling in and parents are juggling work, remote or hybrid learning and, eventually, in-person school, it’s a good idea to get prepared now to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible. To help, the team here at Innovative Pediatric Dentistry is sharing our handy back-to-school checklist for parents. 

Schedule Your Child’s Well Visit at their Pediatrician

Even kids doing remote learning will still need to have their health and immunization forms filled out for school. If you’re late on their annual well visit because it fell on a date during the shutdown, now is a good time to catch up, make sure your child’s health is on track and get the paperwork out of the way too. 

Stock Up on Key School Supplies

Take advantage of back-to-school sales and get any wardrobe items your kiddo needs, as well as the necessary school supplies. This year, there won’t be communal supplies to use and sharing won’t be possible, so every child will need their own personal school supplies. If it’s in your budget, get a few extras of things like pens, pencils and crayons so that if kids lose them or run out, they’ll have them on hand. In addition to the regular back-to-school supplies, kids will want to get travel hand sanitizer and several cloth face masks so that they always have a fresh one when the others are being washed. 

Visit Innovative Pediatric Dentistry for a Dental Exam

It’s recommended that kids have at least two dental exams and cleanings per year. Schedule your child’s visit with a Naperville pediatric dentist before you get busy with school so that it doesn’t fall to the wayside. Dental exams are the cornerstone of preventative care and if we do catch any issues, we can treat them early on while they’re easier and less invasive to fix. Additionally, children going into kindergarten, second grade and sixth grade will need a dentist to sign off on the health forms for school. However, kids of all ages will benefit from a checkup and cleaning to keep cavities at bay. 

Develop Routines to Keep Kids Safe

If your kiddo will be doing hybrid learning and going to in-person classes, chat with them about how to stay safe, including how to properly wear a mask, the importance of handwashing, and safe social distancing. Start to work on routines like washing hands as soon as they come home, as well as being sure to pack masks and hand sanitizer and check their temperature in the morning before going to school. The CDC has a back-to-school safety checklist for parents to use when the school year kicks off. 

Set Up a Designated Homework Station

The reality is there will be at least some amount of distance learning this school year. Having a designated area just for remote learning and homework that’s free of distractions can help kids focus and be more productive. It also allows you to reclaim some of your living space! If you don’t have a lot of room, even a corner works. Add a small desk or table, a comfy chair and all of the necessary school supplies so there are no excuses. You might also want to place a bin or basket there for kids to keep folders and paperwork so it doesn’t get lost or accidentally thrown away. 

We know there will be a lot of changes this year but, remember, we’re all in this together! Parents’ checklist is designed to help you prepare. Schedule your child’s visit at Innovative Pediatric Dentistry before we kick off another school year online or by calling us at (630) 848-PEDO. To find out the measures we’re taking to keep our patients safe, check out our COVID-19 safety protocols here